What is a FoodCycler?

    The FoodCycler is a closed-loop, indoor compost alternative, which speeds up the natural decomposition process of food waste. The unit dries and grinds food waste into a dry, odorless, and nutrient dense by-product. The by-product can be used in many applications, including used as fertilizer in a garden or added to a backyard composter to speed up decomposition.

    The FoodCycler takes up approximately one (1) cubic foot of space and requires a power outlet. Once set up, you toss your food scraps into the bucket and press the button. The FoodCycler reduces the volume of food waste by 90% in 4-8 hours. Each cycle uses about 0.8-1.5 kWh of electricity, which costs approximately 10 cents. The carbon filtration system eliminates odors, making it perfect for indoor use.

    How much energy does the unit consume?

    Each cycle consumes approximately 0.8-1.5 kWh per cycle, which is roughly equivalent to having a desktop computer running for the same amount of time as the cycle. Depending on where you live, using the FoodCycler™ regularly should not cost you more than $2-$4 per month. The FoodCycler™ has built-in sensor technology that monitors the dryness and humidity of the food waste. Once complete, the unit will stop the cycle automatically.

    How long does the cycle last?

    In the FoodCycler™ Maestro™, a typical cycle takes between 4-9 hours for the food waste to become completely dehydrated and processed into the by-product. For the FC-30 units it takes 4-8 for the food waste to become completely dehydrated and processed. The time needed depends on the amount of food waste being processed, the density of the food wastes and the moisture levels contained in each. Please note that these estimates exclude the unit's cooling time which lasts less than a half hour on average.

    How long will my filters last?

    The carbon filters last between 3-4 months with regular use, or 500 cycle hours. The life expectancy of the carbon filters is determined by the moisture content of the food waste, and the natural odours of the food waste. Denser, wetter and smellier food wastes will go through filters much faster than simple veggie scraps and egg shells. The filter light sensor is a guide only - the best indication of whether your filters require replacement is odour. Please see your device manual for instructions to reset the filter light.

    Where can I store my FoodCycler™?

    Nearly any covered area with access to an outlet. The FoodCycler™ must be in a closed, dry environment where there is no risk of it being rained on or otherwise subjected to the elements. Possible locations include heated garages, basements, pantries, or your kitchen.

    What should I cycle?

    The best cycle is one with a lot of variety. Please see the Resident Guide for a general list of what you can and cannot process in each of the FoodCyclers™.