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Consultation has concluded
Located at 1 Water Street in Downtown Lakefield, the Lakefield Marina provides Selwyn residents and visitors with an opportunity to enjoy the Otonabee Riverfront and access to the Trent-Severn Waterway system. The Lakefield Marina is owned and operated by the Township of Selwyn, offering 34 slips along with wall docking slips for seasonal and transient renters to dock their boats along with an Administration Building that contains a small retail operation open to the general public and provides comfort amenities for Marina users. The Lakefield Marina is an important part of a downtown community hub that also contains public amenities such as the Lakefield Trail, Isabel Morris Park, former Sea Scout Building and the Lakefield-Smith Community Centre.
The Township initiated a Lakefield Marina Utilization Study in response to a recent review of its Parks & Recreation Department that examined ways to modernize and operate more efficiently. The Study assessed the Lakefield Marina’s service offerings, operating performance, and value provided to boaters and the public. In doing so, we are looking at best practices in the marina industry, seeking input from the public and boating community and investigating whether changes are needed to the services offered at the Lakefield Marina including a potential expansion.
Located at 1 Water Street in Downtown Lakefield, the Lakefield Marina provides Selwyn residents and visitors with an opportunity to enjoy the Otonabee Riverfront and access to the Trent-Severn Waterway system. The Lakefield Marina is owned and operated by the Township of Selwyn, offering 34 slips along with wall docking slips for seasonal and transient renters to dock their boats along with an Administration Building that contains a small retail operation open to the general public and provides comfort amenities for Marina users. The Lakefield Marina is an important part of a downtown community hub that also contains public amenities such as the Lakefield Trail, Isabel Morris Park, former Sea Scout Building and the Lakefield-Smith Community Centre.
The Township initiated a Lakefield Marina Utilization Study in response to a recent review of its Parks & Recreation Department that examined ways to modernize and operate more efficiently. The Study assessed the Lakefield Marina’s service offerings, operating performance, and value provided to boaters and the public. In doing so, we are looking at best practices in the marina industry, seeking input from the public and boating community and investigating whether changes are needed to the services offered at the Lakefield Marina including a potential expansion.
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The Lakefield Marina Utilization Study was approved at the September 13, 2022. The Study has been finalized and is now available for viewing!
Lakefield Marina Utilization Study has finished this stage
Consultation with residents, boaters and businesses was conducted.
Under Review
Lakefield Marina Utilization Study has finished this stage
Contributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The project team will report back on key outcomes.
Final report
Lakefield Marina Utilization Study is currently at this stage
The final outcomes of the consultation are documented here. This may include a summary of all contributions collected as well as recommendations for future action.